OPFUN Talk萌課堂,專注青少在線語言啟蒙!——寰宇咨詢中心資訊網(wǎng)

上海 18761612306

首頁 > 資訊列表> describing
  • 在樹前面用英語怎么寫

    Have you ever been in a situation where you need to use English to communicate with someone, but you just can't think of the right words to say? Perhaps you are standing in front of a tree and want to describe it to someone, but you don't know how to say

  • 這棵樹很高用英語怎么說

    Have you ever looked up at a tall tree and wondered how to describe it in English? Trees are a vital part of our environment, and they come in all shapes and sizes. The height of a tree is one of its most impressive features, and being able to describe it


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