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  • 哪里學英語口語好的書籍


  • 六年級英語成績差怎么補上來

    As a parent or a student, it can be stressful when your sixth-grade English grades are not up to scratch. There may be various reasons for this, such as lack of understanding, poor study habits, or a language barrier. Whatever the cause, it is essential t

  • 線上學英語哪個機構性價比高


  • 我是初中生的英文

    As a middle school student, learning English is an important part of our daily study. English is a widely used language in the world, and it is also a tool for us to communicate with people from different countries. Many students may feel confused and fru

  • 她是一個初中生的英文

    As a middle school student, many of us struggle with the English language. We are at a crucial stage of our academic journey where learning a new language becomes a necessity. However, it can be incredibly challenging to master a language as complex as En

  • 一些樹翻譯成英文

    Have you ever wandered through a forest and noticed the different types of trees surrounding you? Whether it’s the towering sequoias of California or the colorful maples of New England, trees play an important role in our environment and our daily lives.

  • 太少的人的英文

    Have you ever noticed that there are so few people who can speak English fluently in China? This is a phenomenon that has been observed for many years. Although English is considered as the most widely spoken language in the world, it seems that not many

  • 小學生兩種說法用英語

    As a primary school student, there are two different opinions on how to speak English. Some believe that it is better to focus on mastering basic grammar and vocabulary, while others think that immersing oneself in an English-speaking environment is the k

  • 我們一天有七節(jié)課用英語怎么說


  • 新概念englishapp

    在當今的社會中,學習英語已經(jīng)成為了許多人追求的目標。而手機應用的使用也變得越來越普遍。那么,有沒有一款英語學習手機應用可以幫助我們輕松學好英語呢?答案是肯定的,那就是新概念english app。這款應用旨在幫助英語學習者提高聽、說、讀、寫四個方面的能力,是一款非常實用的英語學習工具。


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